
Stormi is our 2 year old blue Staffy, she started seeing Kelly after she had surgery for her luxating patella on her back left knee. The surgery involved tightening of the muscles and cutting into her bone to make a deeper groove, they also found some arthritis on her bones.
5 months after surgery Stormi still was not recovering, she would hold her leg up when walking or running, her leg became thin and putting pressure on her other legs to hold her weight.
I came to Kelly after the vet recommended getting some therapy done for Stormi’s recovery and I wish we had of started earlier as it is the only thing that has shown results.
Kelly knew exactly what Stormi needed, we are getting laser treatment, hydrotherapy and Bowen massage therapy, Just 4 weeks after seeing Kelly Stormi was running on all 4 legs! We have not seen her use her leg like that in over a year!
She now walks on all 4 legs all the time and doesn’t show signs of pain or limping,
Stormi is now back to her happy self and can finally enjoy being a puppy again.
Kelly has been wonderful with helping Stormi get more courage and be comfortable in her self while recovering, she really cares about Stormi and Stormi runs straight in and can’t wait for her treatment. Kelly has such a kind nature and is so beautiful with humans and animals we are so lucky we found her and that we have such an amazing service for our pets here in Bairnsdale.
We can’t thank Kelly enough for everything she has done for us.
Kiera McQuinn

11th September 2022 -After 1 week our lovely cow "Faith" and her calf "Lucky Eric" are doing so well!!
On the 8th September, Faith developed calving paralysis after a difficult birth. When Kelly came out last Saturday she had been down for 3 days and could not get up. Kelly worked her magic on her with Laser and Massage equipment. Faith was very calm and quiet while Kelly was working on her with Lucky Eric watching on. Sunday morning (less than 24hrs) Faith was standing up a bit wonky but she was up. Now mother and baby are doing really well. Faith walking everywhere and Lucky Eric right behind. What an ending!! Keep up the great work Kelly - as its your duty of care for animals.
Beth Rothe

My Border Collie, Jasper (6 years) and I have been going to Kelly fortnightly since 30 July 2020 – 9 months. We both so appreciate her caring efficiency, professionalism, her friendship and her researching for us.
For well over a year Jasper has been in increasing pain in his hind quarters. Diagnosis of extreme arthritis in his right rear hock has just been made, which is such a relief to finally know. And it is in fact the area which Kelly targeted from the start.
Her use of Laser, massage, Bowen and Reiki has helped my boy a lot. With his recent diagnosis the comment was made by the vet that Jasper’s musculature etc have been kept in good order by Kelly’s treatment.
Jasper now has a date for the operation to fuse that joint and we look forward to Kelly’s help with the rehab from this. Yes! I have been going to Kelly too! Her support for me has been great and so helpful. She has done extensive networking amongst her colleagues for us – physio, laser treatment and recently with our vet.
Thank you, Kelly, for all the loving time and for caring. I often suggest to people with needy pets that they visit her Hands4Paws Pet Therapy Centre.
Janet Cameron BSc hons. Dip Ed.

Kelly came highly recommended by one of the vets from Main Street Vet Clinic. I first took Sasha, my 12-year-old English Staffy, to see her in October 2020. Sasha had advanced arthritis particularly affecting one of her back legs which had significant muscle loss.
Sasha has weekly Laser therapy, Bowen and Hydrotherapy with Kelly since October. We started seeing the benefits for Sasha within a fortnight. She has had weight loss, significantly reduced muscle soreness, increase in muscle on affected back leg and general body stiffness has also significantly reduced.
She is generally a fitter, happier and more content dog thanks to Kelly. I highly recommend Kelly’s services Hydrotherapy, Bowen and Laser. She also talks you through all the things you need to do at home to support your pet (diet, exercise etc).
I’m so happy with the results we have been able to achieve for Sasha and feel so fortunate to have someone locally doing what Kelly does with such passion for animals.
Ella Pugh
Ohh & Sasha

In 2017 our chihuahua Ducky had a partial hind limb amputation and has since been fitted with a prosthetic limb.
In 2018 I reached out to Kelly from Hands4Paws Pet Therapy to help us support and heal the changes in Ducky's body. I am a big believer that movement is medicine and that movement plays an integral part in our pet's overall health and longevity. I think it's important as pet parents that we keep our dogs as active as they can be, by supporting their bodies as they change and age.
With regular Bowen Therapy and massage treatments Ducky is able to live a happier, healthier and pain-free life.
"Thanks Kelly, you are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to pet health and mobility and have helped Ducky immensely".
Tegan Bradley xx

We have an extremely anxious rescue dog called Taffy. We are her third foster family and she is a bit broken. She is happy in familiar places, like home and the dog park, but anywhere else she becomes a complete nervous wreck.
On the 6th May Taffy had her first session with Kelly from Hands4Paws. After four sessions we started to notice some positive changes in her behaviour:
* Taffy came indoors happily (normally has to be herded in)
* Played with a toy
*Is sniffing during our walks (normally Taffy is looking for snipers)
*Wagging her tail at times
*Confidently jumping into the car (instead of nervously looking around for ages)
Taffy has had 11 sessions with Kelly now and continues to slowly improve!
* She is bouncier and waggier
* Still nervous on walks or in different situations but far more happy in herself
It's not a quick fix but the sessions are working slowly and surely. Small things for normal dogs but huge steps for her. We have tried many other things to help her including medication and none have made any difference.
To see results from what Kelly does is really gratifying. The sessions have definitely helped!
Robyn Hewitt

Angus’ Journey
Angus is our family black Labrador of 10 years. He was involved in a farm accident on the 8th April 2020. Angus sustained fractured iliums (wings of the pelvis) on both sides and a compressed spine. As a result, Angus experienced paralysis in his back right leg and was confined indoors and for six weeks was unable to walk.
Angus was still not able to put weight on his back right leg after the six weeks, so I had him x-rayed a second time, which showed that the right side fracture had healed, although the left was still taking some time. It was at this point that our Vet recommend Hands4Paws Pet Therapy with Kelly.
Kelly corresponded with the vet initially to understand what exactly Angus’ limitations were, if any. Kelly then tailored a program specific to Angus’ needs and my concerns. She started Angus off very slow and steady. Kelly maintained constant communication with me in his progress and why she was doing what she was doing and what her expectations were. Angus had a lot of muscle wastage in his back right leg and had lost an incredible amount of body mass.
I have still been taking Angus for weekly hydrotherapy sessions with Kelly, who has done an amazing job and has allowed Angus almost his full mobility once again.
Our journey with Kelly has been nothing but nurturing, rewarding and very encouraging. It is super clear how passionate and committed Kelly is, not just to my dog but to all animals and I am so grateful and impressed with her work. Kelly’s gentle nature and confidence, knowledge and compassion was very reassuring and Angus seemed very content and happy to undergo Bowen Therapy, laser treatment and hydrotherapy.
In one of our earliest consultations with Kelly, she had Angus walking completely normal with his previous square gait stature prior to his injury, which completely surprised me and indicated to me that this form of therapy will be very beneficial for Angus.
I am eternally grateful for Kelly’s work and support during Angus’ recovery.
Sarah Triplett

Our 11-year-old Blue Heeler "Bugsi" had started seeing Kelly after a serious collapse in his back legs and dysfunction of his spinal cord. After seeing Kelly for the last eight months, she has had a major part in his recovery.
Kelly is not only professional in the therapy methods she offers, she always goes the extra mile. The compassion and care Kelly has for her patients is just beautiful. We are grateful to know we have her alongside "Bugsi's" progress.
"Thanks Kelly, we couldn't have done it without you."
Anne Kaiser

Lilly loves her weekly laser and hydrotherapy sessions in the underwater treadmill. Lilly has arthritis and the hydrotherapy is a great way to keep her fit​ as the water is lovely and warm and provides buoyancy for her joints making it easier for her to exercise.
Lilly loves to see Kelly and thinks it's fun as she enjoys her treats while she walks on the treadmill. It's been a fantastic way to keep Lilly healthy and active as she finds it hard to exercise on land. The sessions are improving her range of motion (ROM), strengthening up her muscles which supports her arthritic joints and her fitness has improved from the regular visits.
We are really happy with the results. "Thanks Kelly".
Chantal Lawson